Contact SkiAbility Ottawa:

General enquiries:

For general information on SkiAbility Ottawa,  to request a clinic, special group event, or a demo event.

SkiAbility Ottawa welcomes inquiries from organizations providing services to persons with disabilities.

SkiAbility Ottawa encourages the general public and the media to visit us during a regular program day to learn more about this program and its benefits. Please call or email for an appointment.



For information on participation, or to register as a participant or volunteer:


  • Suggested cover sheet  (pdf: opens in a new tab or window)
  • 613-692-2605 (Manotick Office Pro)
  • Snail Mail:

    SkiAbility Ottawa c/o Ross Holden
    1636 Century Road East
    RR#1 Kars ON
    K0A 2E0


     Almost ready to start: boat and  ski-skier, in the water, are ready to go!