SkiAbility Ottawa Sponsors and Sponsor Program:

SkiAbility Ottawa wishes to recognise the following sponsors for their ongoing support of this program:  Please help us by supporting those who assist us.

Link to the sponsor Sponsor Name Sponsorship Level
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive Ottawa ON
613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504
Water Ski and Wakeboard Canada Gold
[ CADS NCD logo ]

Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing
   National Capital Division

[ Penske Truck Leasing logo ] Penske Truck Leasing
2323 Stevenage Dr. Ottawa, ON 613-731-9998
Manotick Subway Bronze
Royal Bank, Manotick Bronze
[ Manotick Home Hardware Logo ] Manotick Home Hardware Bronze
[ SorfSide Logo ] SurfSide Bronze
Add your company name to this list with one of the Sponsor Programs listed below.

Sponsor Programs:

Sponsors are the strength of SkiAbility Ottawa!
They help us to grow the program year over year, to purchase new equipment or to renew existing equipment, to train volunteers and provide programming for children who otherwise could not afford to participate.

Skiability Ottawa offers the following sponsor programs:

[  Dreaming of skiing! ]

Sponsorship Level Sponsorship Range Your benefits include Typical program benefits
Bronze $200 to $750 Listed on the sponsor page on our web site, and the Sponsor board at major events. Sponsors will receive an invitation to attend one or more program days to see the benefits of the program. Purchases a pair of water skis, or a ski boom for a boat
Silver $751 to $1500 the above plus your logo on our flyers and on sponsored equipment Sponsors one ski day or purchases one sit ski
Gold $1500 to $3000 the above plus your logo on our letterhead and your signage at all events Purchases a safety rescue platform and covers volunteer training costs.
Platinum $3000 and up the above plus a major press event to mark the event and your banner at all events. Purchases a major piece of equipment such as a PWC to use as a safety/chase boat
Please contact us to discuss your preferences in becoming an involved sponsor.

To discuss your sponsorship plans please contact Ross Holden at (613) 692-4898 or

  [ Andrea sit skiing ]